Stage Design "Poetics of Everyday Work"
This was a lovely project we got the chance to take part of on November 2018 when Nina Bozic Yams asked us for help to create an interactive space for her performance. She wanted to bring a more artistic approach to the traditional PhD thesis defence by combining choreography, story-telling, visual art and music all together into one hour interactive performance.
In order to create the stage, we had to understand the atmosphere Nina wanted to create, but also to adapt our design to the space, time and budget parameters. Thus, we have created a fabric backdrop that functions both as a projection base for the beautiful illustrations made by visual artist Dragana Zarevska, and as element that softness the space, becoming a divider between the stage and the public, who would eventually get trough it, becoming also actors in the performance.
When in comes to props, we have also designed a way the audience would be invited to reflect over their own everyday work habits, burry the ones that they no longer want and planting the future seed into two modular gardens, with hand made boxes acting as coffins. Each box would consists of a set of instructions as well as flowers to be planted then in the garden.
It’s been a wonderful journey creating this space together with Nina and we are glad that the performance still have the possibility to be played into different contexts and settings. It has been also played a second time for the Reglab Årskonference 2019 innovation conference in Västerås.
For more details about the performance and the whole concept around it, check their website on the link below: