

The Second Trimester Vibe

The Second Trimester Vibe

  English      Română

Week 23

For some time I have begun to feel the benefits that everyone is talking about from the second trimester of pregnancy. Somehow, these benefits are not necessarily manifesting through the disappearance of the morning nausea (or all day in my case), but there are other small things that matter enormously, such as the fact that I became more tolerant to food. This is extremely important remembering the period in which I was eating only three cucumbers for the entire day. At that time, they were among the fewer foods accepted by my body.

It’s a really nice energy I sense in the air (probably because spring is now in Sweden and we are starting to warm a bit with 20 degrees Celsius outside), and I think this vibe is good. Also, my mind is quite in its place during this period, even if there are many things happening around … a bit too many but I can’t complain about getting bored.

For example, the master thesis is approaching its end. Yesterday it was the 80% draft deadline that will be presented in tomorrow’s seminar (I know that I am staying here and writing my memoirs instead of preparing my presentation, but sometimes it’s good to take care of yourself and do something personal as well … and also take care of the blog). For this draft I needed to really focus into writing because now it’s the moment when it will be decided whether the paper has a green light to go ahead and be presented in the beginning of June or it needs more time to be a proper academic work, and it will be extended until the end of the summer. Honestly, I feel a bit worried about the possibility of extending my master because for me the huge deadline is approaching in the end of August and I don’t think there is room for something else besides the baby then. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and send good energy for tomorrow! 😊

Going back to the second trimester vibe, these days I have been focusing a lot on writing, and I was surprised to discover that my brain had a type of energy I recognised from the period before the beabis. Back then, my working style was last minutism, and somehow the adrenaline of the days before a deadline gave me a lot of energy and inspiration (still packed with a lot of tiredness).

Since the beabis and the master spread throughout a few months, my focus has not exceeded 2 hours (and this is on the productive days) of working, and my ideas have been quite hard to catch. These days it felt good to find again a small dose of last minutism, but this time it also felt harder for my body (back pain, headache and strange sleep) and it needs more breaks. Most likely, in this last month of the master thesis, I will continue with the working style of 2-3 hours a day, which will be easier this time because I’ve already passed the theory part and now I have to work on the research findings and synthesize the project itself.

Let’s go with inspiration and positive energy!
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