

Babybox vs. Master Thesis

Babybox vs. Master Thesis

  English      Română

Week 16

I have often heard that during the pregnancy, moms to be are starting to search for various useful things when the baby will arrive in their life, theory called “nesting”. Still, I did’t believe in it so much, and not from the perspective of a documentation that is quite normal for me to start when a new chapter in my life is coming, but because I simply didn’t believe in the nesting theory.

Well, take this: apparently it seems that I’m really starting to make my nest, whether I want to admit it or not. I find it very funny how my thoughts are flying quite often to the baby subject and many other related to it. In this period my goal should be to focus on the master’s project and implicitly on writing my paper. As the schedule shows, about a third part of the process should be already done, fact that I can’t connect to the reality.

This last part of the master’s programme works more on the individual level: every student is building its own project together with a company or an organisation to fulfil the collaboration part, having a supervising teacher and attending to maximum one meeting a month with the rest of the teachers where we show our current status, discuss about the projects and ask for support if needed. So I am basically home alone most of the time (due to my project that is focused on studying online methods) and I organise my schedule exactly as I wish.

Now, I can’t figure out if my motivation to work on this master’s project is related to the changes that occurred in my daily schedule, or to the fact that I get tired very quickly by doing even small things, or because of my attention that flies towards many domains. I definitely feel that there are some big struggles to get this job done.

For example, I am fascinated sometimes when I’m planing very clear (written with big characters into my daily calendar) to spend two-three hours just focusing on reading research papers about my subject and analysing them. And guess what, about a half an hour later, right after my brain starts to make some connections, I receive an email related to some campaign made by a pharmacy that offers free baby boxes to parents to be with super cute little things for the baby. How I can deny this great opportunity to register to that website, order that babybox and check the delivery address 10 times. Moreover, I feel it is a pity to not make a little research looking after other similar offers that certainly exist. And so the time passes, my thesis does not write itself and when the afternoon comes I’m too tired to do anything anyway.

Feeling confident that I will finish the thesis on time, I blocked already those two-three hours in my daily calendar until May, knowing that my thoughts will certainly not be there all the time, flying to subjects as “best baby beds” or “parenting and unconditional love”. Still ETA 3 months until the big project presentation, where I want to be part of. I will come back with details about how these two major research categories are being balanced during this period of time ^_^

P.S.: I will write in the future an article about babyboxes that you can order in Sweden. It is such a nice thing that some companies simply offer free stuff for testing to the parents to be, especially because I’ve heard there are many other expenses that are coming up.
week 16.jpg
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